Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

So far over Christmas break I have spent it with my favorite people. 
I was able to see my roommates from Freshmen year and hang out
with them for a couple of hours. We even brought Tarah and Carrie
with us, on a stick. It was so good to see my best friends. I can't wait
until we are all together again! 
On Saturday I was able to have a reunion with my oakcrest girls! It was such
a good time to see everyone again. Though there were only twenty of us (half of the
staff is on a mission) it was a great time! I'm grateful for their examples to me!!

Zach and I were able to hang out for a few hours on sunday, and as always it was a great time. 
Unfortunately, this is the only picture I took from that night. But he spoiled me and got me
a rock climbing harness! I'm stoked to use it in my class this semester and for him to come to USU!
Rockin' his new USU sweatshirt 
Monday/Tuesday 11 of the 14 cousins went downtown with 
our Uncle Lex to party and see lights/sleep in a hotel. It 
was a blast! 
I love hanging out with my family, especially during this time of the year! 

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and that you have a Happy New Year! 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

37 Things You'll Regret When You're Older

i just want to talk about a few of my favorite ones. but the rest of this article can be found here

#5-missing a chance to see your favorite musicians. take advantage of going to concerts, they honestly are so much fun! a great opportunity to find new artists, sing along with the band, and just go crazy!

#6- being scared to do things. this is not something i have perfected, obviously. but I have been trying to do more things in my life that scare me, and it has been worth it so far! (don't choose stupid things though haha) 

#12- being afraid to say "i love you"- this can be towards your significant other, a friend or a family member. everyone comes into our lives for a reason, don't be afraid to share your true feelings towards them. besides, love is great. i highly recommend it :)

#13- not listening to your parents advice- everyone goes through a phase where they know they are right and their parents are wrong. i'm def guilty of this. i'm grateful my parents were patient enough to wait for me to get over my bratty phase, and wait for me to actually appreciate their advice. it's golden.

#15-caring to much what other people think about you- life is better when you stop caring about other peoples thoughts. live your life.

#22- missing a chance to ask your grandparents questions- sometimes i plan weekends where i can just hang out with my grandparents. they are the coolest, and i love talking to them and learning about their lives.

#37- not being grateful sooner- i'm guilty of this. we have so many great things in our lives, why not show our gratitude sooner?

Also, I hung out with my friend Caitlyn yesterday. She introduced me to Noah and The Whale. Why have I never listened to them???? This is my favorite song so far!

to the five of you who read my blog? what was your favorite from the buzz feed list?
and. what's your favorite band no one really knows about? 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Last Weekend

This weekend I had the opportunity to go to the Christmas Devotional in Salt Lake. 
It was incredible, I highly recommend watching it if you haven't. You can watch it 
here . After the devotional we went and walked around Temple Square to look at lights. 
I love this time of the year, especially downtown Salt Lake, it's so pretty with all of the lights. 

As Zach and I were walking towards the pond in front of the temple I over heard a conversation between a 7ish year old kid and his mom. 

Kid: "Mom, for Christmas will you get me an over coat? That way I can still look awesome, and 
be warm!"
He was just so excited about it, and it made me happy! 
Good luck with finals, and everything else going on this week! 
Also, a 60 year old lady told me in relief society yesterday that she finds Zach gorgeous and 
that I better hold on tight to him. So there's that. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hi internet

Life is good. 
This song always makes me happy. 

To help with my lack of creativity I have turned to blog prompts. Here are a few, if you care to read them and get to know me I guess. 
These prompts can be found here

  1. In a fantasy world, forget about spouses and loves, if you could fall in love with a movie or tv character, name 5 you would choose. Not the actors but the movie characters. Just to name a few: 
    1. Nathan Scott from One Tree Hill
    2. Ren MacCormack from the new footloose
    3. Alex from Safe Haven 
    4. Noah from the Notebook, obvi
    5. Logan from Safe Haven
  2. What was one of the most defining moments of your life, perhaps a moment that changed you forever, a moment that took you down a different course, anything. When I think of my defining moments I think about my freshmen year of college and my first summer at oakcrest. Both of these experiences helped me to find who I truly am. I had to remove myself from my family, and figure out what I really wanted and what I really believed. I wouldn't have been able to do it if it wasn't for the amazing examples around me. I am a different person, and I am so happy about the change. 
  3. The one place in the world you’d really like to live. Though I am perfectly content in Utah, I think it would be a blast to live in the city. It has always been my dream to live in New York, even if it was just for a few months. It would be an adventure and I would love to experience the true city life. Going to local bakery's, taking a Taxi, and just being with everyone. Outside of the U.S. I would love to live in Greece! 

Monday, November 18, 2013

To help get you through monday

The beginning ones are super short. I highly suggest them! 
This is honestly the cutest thing I have ever seen. 

What it would be like to have the guts to be able to do this.
haha this kid is awesome. 

In case you need a how to in flirting. 

This kid can dance way better than me. 

Also, this. It's 27 minutes long. if you don't have that much time I suggest
skipping to about 14 minutes. That's when it gets cute. I probably
shed a tear or two. Not a big deal though. 
You better believe I'm going to an early showing on Thursday. 
Excited would be an understatement. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Cute kids

 Cutest cousins in all the land! 
 I love my family 
 My brother is stud! And is single. 
 Sydney is a sweetheart, and the cutest. 
I love these two. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Life as of late....

Through pictures of course. 
Calam's Wedding with my favorite girls. 

Kings Island in 50 degree weather with these
cute kids. 
Plus, hanging out in Kentucky! Then getting 
stuck in the airport for 16 hours. 

Hike to the graffiti towers with my roommates
to play with sparklers. 

Imagine Dragons. Three rows from the stage! 
Seeing one of my campers at Imagine Dragons!? 
Even better! Love her.
Conference. Snapback Skype date. Pumpkin carving. 
Basically, anytime with this guy is the greatest! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Music Tuesday?

Guys, I just blogged two days in a row. What the? Anyways, it's another music post. But after I found that cover of Call me Maybe by Paradise Fears, I found two more that I am obsessed with! Take a listen, maybe? I promise it will be worth your time. Maybe tell me what you think?
If you love T-swift (Who doesn't?) You will like this cover. 
If I could sing, this is a song I would do a cover of! 
Impossible Dreams-Paradise Fears

Payphone-Paradise Fears
I love the rapping part. So good. 

Also, can we take a minute and recognize the fact that the lead singer looks like a cuter 
version of Mouth from OTH. No? Just me? Sweet. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Music Monday

I would say that music monday will be my new thing from now on. But let's be honest, it probably won't happen. But for today, here are some songs I have been loving lately. Also, don't mind my blog right now, it looks like a kindergartner designed it. It will get better once I'm finished with all of my homework. aka. never.

Don't worry, I'm way sick of this song still. But 
this is a great cover. 
Call Me Maybe-Paradise Fears 


Brave-Sara Bareillies

and of course. Meant To Be-Parachute

peace and blessings. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

mini concert

I swear this is my last Parachute post! Well, until they come back in concert.
But my wonderful friend Mia, made a video of her concert experience this last weekend,
and it was such a good idea that I decided to do the same. Here is a taste of the
best night of  my life.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Life is Good

Don't mind me as I ramble for the next few minutes. I should be studying for my midterm, but clearly I would rather blog. I have just been thinking about this summer and the first month of school. I can't help but smile every time I think about my life. Seriously, it's so good!!! To prove it, here's a little life update through my iphone pictures!

This girl got married in June. I always teased her about falling off 
the face of the earth. Thank goodness she hasn't. I call her every week
and she is always there for a nice chat and to give me advice. 
I love her! 
This here is my second family. They moved to China in July. 
We still keep in touch and they are incredible examples to me! 

My siblings. I just love them. They are incredible! 

My Shawties. What on earth would I do without these two? 
both of them are incredible examples to me! 

Of course, my oakcrest buddies. Thank heavens for them. 
It's always a happy reunion when I see them. 
And this is Zach. We met on a blind date clear back in July. Everything has just been 
falling into place. *Cheesy alert* He makes me very happy, and I get so
excited to see him on weekends. I'm grateful he is in my life and the
example he is to me! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

That one time I went to parachute

Last week I went to the best concert of my life. Seriously guys, Parachute has my heart, especially their lead singer Will. #WillisaBabe. Don't be mad that I just hash tagged in a blogpost. But really, every single time they come to Utah they get better and better! They also had two opening acts who were amazing. The first one, Paradise Fears, I have not been able to stop listening to them since. So check them out too!

My cute friends who came with me! 

Mmm...I love him. 

Kiss me slowly

Drive you home, acoustic 

Paradise Fears. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

The men in my life

So I was reading this article this morning about Robin Thicke. He was on the stage with Miley Cyrus during that super classy performance and he sings the song Blurred Lines. Anyways, the article is similar to the one a mother wrote to her daughter about Miley Cyrus except this one is addressed to his son. Throughout the article it talks about how messed up the world's perception is when it comes to a boy's view about a girl. It makes me sad that some girls settle for what they think is a "good life" when in reality they are just being treated like dirt.

I just wanted to post about the men in my life. I am so very lucky to have a wonderful father who is so caring towards his daughters. He knows how to treat a woman right, and will go out of his way to make sure my sister and I know how we should be treated.
My brother is amazing. He is so protective towards me and my sister. He genuinely cares for us, and I know he will be an amazing missionary, father and husband some day.  I love you both so much!
I am also so lucky to have a two wonderful grandfather's and uncles on both sides who have showed me what the definition of a true man is. They are incredible examples to me!

I guess the whole point of this post is, to remember to be grateful for the incredible influences in your life. I love my family so much! 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Oakcrest round 2

This summer was another one to remember! 
I made some really great friends, and I could not have made
it through the summer without them! 

Pre-camp week the entire staff was already acting like they had
known each other forever. 
It definitely helped the entire summer to keep us united! 

Oakcrest is a beautiful place that will always be in my heart! 

Round 2 was a lot different, mainly because I didn't have any campers. 
But I did get to work with some amazing girls one on one, and I got to see
a few returning campers who have grown so much over this last year! 

Though I don't think I am going back, Oakcrest will always be in my heart. 
It's where I found my true self. 
It's where I strengthened my testimony. 
It's where I learned what it means to become a true disciple of Christ. 
I met my best friends there. 
I learned why I was there & that was a blessing. 
I witnessed so many tender mercies. 
My prayers were answered. 
I could truly feel of my Savior's love for me. 

Everything happens for a reason. I believe that. Thank you 2012 & 2013 staff for helping 
me stay on the path and find my purpose of serving at Oakcrest.