Saturday, May 30, 2015

life lately from my iphone....and then some

we said goodbye to our Whitty Kitty, who is headed to nicaragua to 
serve the lord. 
"official" graduation with my fchd homies. 
my best friend married the love of her life a few weeks ago,
and was a total hottie. 
tay condie is my home girl. i can always count on her for random
and exciting adventures. 
since everyone in the world is having a baby/has a dog, and we don't
have either, we settled for a plant. 
even though our one year isn't for another 2 months, we had pictures 
taken in honor of our 1 year. shout out to blue bird photography
for our incredible pictures. 

this is a song i constantly listen to because i think it's a great reminder. 
over the last two months, life has been pretty rough. i have been constantly down on myself
and was in a dark place. thankfully i have an incredible husband and support system. satan
was doing a number on me. anytime i hear this song, it inspires me to do better. it makes me want 
to share what makes me happy with everyone. as i took the time to step back from my self pity
and look at everything that makes me happy. all of the doubtful thoughts left me and i immediately 
felt peace and love from my Heavenly Father. 
so this week my fellow internet friends, make your happy list and share it with those around you. 

my happy:

*my adorable husband 
*long conversations with my mom 
*seeing an improvement in the families i am working with 
*my religion. see what i believe here
*my ward. they are incredible 
*my friends...and their crazy shenanigans 
*lip sync battles on on youtube
*coming home to a yummy dinner and clean house 
*emails from my brother. it's been incredible watching him grow
*phone calls with my daddy
*dubsmash wars with my little sister 

and so many more. 

thanks for reading along.