Friday, September 28, 2012


So I have changed my blog again.....How does it look? Suggestions. Comments. Concerns.
Too much? Too bright? Dark?
Please help me out!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Half birthday weekend

First off, we are so blessed to have so many temples here on this earth. It's an amazing feeling to know we have the privilege to go to the temple to help us feel the love our Savior has for us! It was amazing to be able to attend the temple dedication on Sunday. Each of those speakers were truly inspired. I attended the 2nd session and one of my favorite lines came from President Packer when he said that he has traveled over two and a half million miles, and the first thing that has always been on his mind was serving and following Jesus Christ. I loved that I think we can each apply it to our lives. If we put Him first we will truly be blessed!

All summer long all of the USU oakies talked about getting together to have dinner at the domestic married couple's abode. Lucky for me my half birthday happened to fall on the day we decided to have this little dinner party. Maddie J and Cait were kind enough to get me a present, which included:
-half a deck of cards
-Half of a T-shirt
-Half of a book
-and a kitten book
They also sang me half of the birthday song. (Both the original version & the Oakcrest version). It was wonderful! After dinner we had a unit prayer together. It was so nice to be with these girls and feel a spirit similar to the one we had at Oakcrest. I love each and everyone of you! Thank you for a wonderful weekend everyone! 


My roomie Mia Tagged me in a blog post so here we go!

1)) Each person tagged must post 11 random facts about themselves
2)) They must answer the 11 questions posted by the previous blogger
3)) They must create 11 more questions to ask their tagged bloggers
4)) They must tag blogs with less than 200 followers
5)) No tag backs

11 facts about me:

1. I worked at the best place in the entire world this summer.
2. I have "joined the club" and it probably just happened again last night (oakcrest and roomies will understand)
3.  I just celebrated my 19 and 1/2 birthday
4. I lately have a weird obsession with cats....I don't like them but they are way funny. I don't know what is wrong with me
5. I live for dance parties!
6.  Basketball is my favorite sport! Someone play with me?
7. I'm still obsessed with OTH
8. I'm on a flag football league...we aren't that good. haha
9. It is literally impossible for me to wake up to my alarm. Usually my body wakes me up 10 minutes before I have to leave for class. Neat.
10. I question myself for taking early classes every morning.
11. I'm excited about the rest of this year!

Questions from Mia

1- If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? Buy a boat and a truck and put the rest into savings.

2- Your dream vacation? Backpacking through Europe.
3- If you could try something and not worry about the risks, what would you do? Drop out of school and travel the world without any money problems.
4- Biggest fear? Being alone....and snakes.
5- Favorite article of clothing? Easy. My snap back hat.
6- If you could go back in time and redo one moment in you life, what would it be? Working at Oakcrest.
7- Who is your celebrity crush? Ryan Gosling and Robert Bunkley
8- What would you do if you found out you had 24 hours to live? Spending time with my Family and friends. The last hour skydiving.
9- If you moved somewhere completely new, nobody knew you and you had no contact with anyone you did know, what would you be like? Would you redefine who you were before? I think I would still be the same person. Maybe change a few things, but nothing to drastic.
10- When you are laying in bed at night what is the last thing your think about before you fall asleep? The amazing people in my life.
11- If you had to pick one thing to eat the rest of your life what would it be? Chicken Cordon Bleu
My questions for Maddie , Optimus Prime , ashlee , Lauren , and Savaughn
1. If you could re-live any moment of your life what would it be?
2. What is the first thing you notice about a guy?
3. Biggest pet peeve?
4. What is your favorite movie of all time?
5. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
6. What's the best piece of advice you have ever received?
7. If you could have a super power, what would it be?
8. Can you iggle, can you wiggle, can you jump back and giggle?
9. Would you rather go without junk food for a year or TV?
10. What's the first thing you do in the morning?
11. If you could be a celebrity for a day who would you be?


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Just a few things

 First things first. I love Utah State!!! I am so happy that I am back here in Logan! I am so blessed to have the roommates and friends that I have here! I don't think they realize the impact they have on me! Especially my roommie Tarah. I honestly don't know where I would be with out her and her advice!
It is nice to have 5 of the 6 of us back here in Logan! I miss you a ton Mia, but I know you are where you are supposed to be and that you are a rock star! I love these girls to death! I'm also lucky to have awesome roommates again this year! It's such a blessing to have wonderful examples always around me! I am a lucky girl!
Besides having awesome roommates, I have some of my awesome Oakcrest friends here! It has been so much fun having them around! They are some of the strongest girls I have ever met, and I am so incredibly grateful for the influence they have made on my life!!

Also, welcome home Elder Gibson! I can't wait to hear all of your stories!

I am in love with this song right now!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Introducing Bridge Boarding

Earlier this week my friend Dustin told me he wanted to take me Bridge Boarding.
I agreed to go but I didn't even know what I was getting myself into.
After trying it I can say it is the most terrifying and thrilling thing
It is just like wake boarding except for a few things:
1. Instead of being tied to a boat, the rope is tied to a bridge (hence the name)
2. Instead of being on a lake, it takes place in a rushing river
3. You wear awesome tennis shoes instead of being strapped to the board
4. It's the best alternative if you don't have a boat.
Hopefully I will get better as time goes on....and before it's cold!
 You can tell I'm a noob and just learning
and Dustin is on his way to going professional?




Saturday, September 1, 2012

Music + Music Video

Last night was the 80's dance at USU!
That dance is my favorite one hands down!
I love being back here in Logan. I have missed it a lot.
Not to mention campus is beautiful, everyone is so nice,
and we throw rocking parties!
My top favorite songs right now.
1. Ho Hey-The Lumineers
2. Heart Skips a Beat-Olly feat. Chiddy Bang
3. The World's Greatest- R. Kelly
4. As Long As You Love Me-J.B.
Enjoy this little music video!