Monday, March 24, 2014

March 19th 2014

last wednesday zach picked me up for our weekly date. we planned to go to hyrum reservoir for a picnic.  right as the sun was starting to set he asked if i wanted to go on a walk along the beach that was there. we got to a certain point and just stood there talking about our date to utah lake and how that was when we both knew we were interested in the other one and we wanted to continue dating. we talked about a lot of our dates and things we had done together so far. he told me when he started falling in love and soon led into how excited he was for our adventures we have ahead of us. before i knew it he was down on one knee asking me to marry him. obviously i said yes! he did such a good job! i couldn't have dreamed of anything better! i love you zach, and i'm stoked for what is ahead!

also, my awesome roommates helped out by hiding and taking pictures for us! thanks brit and whit!

i'm obsessed with my ring. the band is a white gold and the halo is rose gold. 

July 11th. Bountiful Temple. 

how we met/started dating can be found here

Thursday, March 20, 2014

the beginning to forever

rewind to summer of 2012. the first 3 weeks of camp i was paired with caitlyn smith. i remember talking about this boy who lived next door that she grew up with and that he was one of her best friends. fast forward to week 6 of camp, as i was reading off my campers i read the name zoe bartlome, cait later told me that she was this boy's little sister. who knew that i would be seeing her a lot more, instead of the one week i had her. 
august 17th i went to caitlyns wedding reception in her backyard. this is when i first met zach's mom. she pulled me aside and basically told me that she wanted me to date her son when he got back from his mission. in my head i was so confused because i had no idea who this lady was or anything about her son. i brushed it off, and went on with the rest of the reception. 

once the school year started cait introduced me to kaela baucom, who ended up being in the same major as me, we eventually became really good friends. i remember being in one of our class in april (the 13th to be exact) the day zach came home and she said "hey kim, your future husband gets home today" i laughed at the situation and  changed the subject. 

all of the sudden caitlyn, tucker, and kaela were planning a group date, with the intention of setting me and zach up. (we owe you guys for setting us up for eternity). july 13th was the first time i ever met this zach kid that i had heard so much about. we went on a hike to donut falls and according to everyone else on the date we didn't talk much. 
awkward kids on their first date. also the cast that ruined the 
original date plans. rad.

two weeks later we planned another date at his house where we made some food and hung out with his family for the rest of the night. the next day i called him and asked him on a date for the next saturday with all of my oakcrest girls. by that date i was hooked. i was really into this guy and i wanted to see him more. fortunately for me he felt the same, and we continued to see each other. 

once school started we had to resort to phone calls during the week and seeing each other on the weekend. i knew this relationship was different from any other because every time we talked we always were talking in futuristic terms, and it didn't scare me! which is a big deal! eventually he moved up to usu and we were able to progress much faster and really figure out what we wanted. we had some obstacles to overcome as we made the decision towards marriage, but once we made a decision there was no denying that it was right. 

to be continued. :) 

Monday, March 17, 2014

#SB2K14 part 2

so i don't really understand that hashtag. like it didn't shorten it at all.....anyways, that not the point of this post.

i spent the rest of my spring break in good ole logan utah. woot woot. but i was able to have some pretty great adventures anyways.

i won this bad boy at the fun park. if anyone wants to fly it with me let me know
just trying to be as cool as katniss. i am still obsessed with catching fire
we tried to do floating lanterns. key word would be tried. 
it didn't work in our favor. don't worry, we have 8 more to experiment with.
last night at the fun park we partied and celebrated everyone's birthday 
in march. riann made this sweet crown. it was a blast. 
yay for birthday week! 

two more important things. my friend mandie shared a hilarious post on her blog, check it out here

listen to these songs. i promise you won't regret it. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

the moab

so last week zach randomly text me to invite me to moab with a bunch of his friends. probably one of the best camping trips i have been on. we had so much fun in the moab. yes i'm calling it the moab on purpose, because that is how we referred to it all weekend. we left bright and early saturday morning, set up camp, hiked all day, and then hung out by the fire. we even made it to church the next morning before heading home. p.s. sorry to the moab lds people who were sitting by us, we smelt pretty terrible.

 ex-neighbors. don't worry, it ended on good terms! 
but really, it was so great seeing the petersen family! 

spring break is off to a great start! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

as of late

** the new american authors cd is so catchy! if you haven't listened to it yet, i highly recommend it

** even though i'm working most of spring break, it's going to be a good one. i have lots of great things planned

** speaking of spring break. i was watching THIS video of spring break from two years ago. probably the best thing ever

** i celebrated wildlife wednesday this week, and it was fantastic. love this kid!

** sometimes my roommates and i decide to go on random adventures through the canyon and to random parks in the pouring rain. 

** I still love this picture of me and carrie. we're noobs. whatevs. carrie bird hits her year mark at the end of this month. can i get a whoop whoop! 

alright, that's enough rambling. hopefully i will have something worth your time to read one day. until then, listen to this song. i'm obsessed. #willisababe

sorry about the hashtag. uncalled for.