Friday, August 30, 2013

The men in my life

So I was reading this article this morning about Robin Thicke. He was on the stage with Miley Cyrus during that super classy performance and he sings the song Blurred Lines. Anyways, the article is similar to the one a mother wrote to her daughter about Miley Cyrus except this one is addressed to his son. Throughout the article it talks about how messed up the world's perception is when it comes to a boy's view about a girl. It makes me sad that some girls settle for what they think is a "good life" when in reality they are just being treated like dirt.

I just wanted to post about the men in my life. I am so very lucky to have a wonderful father who is so caring towards his daughters. He knows how to treat a woman right, and will go out of his way to make sure my sister and I know how we should be treated.
My brother is amazing. He is so protective towards me and my sister. He genuinely cares for us, and I know he will be an amazing missionary, father and husband some day.  I love you both so much!
I am also so lucky to have a two wonderful grandfather's and uncles on both sides who have showed me what the definition of a true man is. They are incredible examples to me!

I guess the whole point of this post is, to remember to be grateful for the incredible influences in your life. I love my family so much! 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Oakcrest round 2

This summer was another one to remember! 
I made some really great friends, and I could not have made
it through the summer without them! 

Pre-camp week the entire staff was already acting like they had
known each other forever. 
It definitely helped the entire summer to keep us united! 

Oakcrest is a beautiful place that will always be in my heart! 

Round 2 was a lot different, mainly because I didn't have any campers. 
But I did get to work with some amazing girls one on one, and I got to see
a few returning campers who have grown so much over this last year! 

Though I don't think I am going back, Oakcrest will always be in my heart. 
It's where I found my true self. 
It's where I strengthened my testimony. 
It's where I learned what it means to become a true disciple of Christ. 
I met my best friends there. 
I learned why I was there & that was a blessing. 
I witnessed so many tender mercies. 
My prayers were answered. 
I could truly feel of my Savior's love for me. 

Everything happens for a reason. I believe that. Thank you 2012 & 2013 staff for helping 
me stay on the path and find my purpose of serving at Oakcrest. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

I have a blog?

Remember how I have a blog.
I just remembered too.

This summer has been crazy busy, so once I am finished with Oakcrest maybe I will get back into the swing of blogging world.

until then, enjoy this nice picture of my snapback I just made! Holla!

also, I'm typing this on my new Macbook Pro!