Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The World Wide Web

So maybe no one else will think this is funny...but I love it.
It's pretty humiliating, but it describes me and my 4 out of 5 best friends from last year.
Enjoy....maybe we are the next Miranda? Just a little bit more normal!
We miss you Mia and wish you could have been there!

P.S. Jenna and I are aware that we can't need to rub it in.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Choosing to be grateful

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to another ward and all three of the speakers were talking about gratitude. One person in particular stood out to me. He was talking about all the the hard things his family had been going through recently and the choices that they had been faced with. He summed up his experiences by saying "Choose to be grateful"

I love that! It was mentioned in an earlier blog post about how I have been struggling to make some decisions in my life. They aren't anything big, but they are important to me. Recently, I thought I had my life figured out I was finally set on something. Then something else came up to make me step back and look at my options. Trust me, I am beyond frustrated with things right now, and stressed beyond belief. But I know what every option I choose I will be happy with it. I'm choosing to be grateful for whichever opportunity is best for me.

President Monson said in a article from the Friend:
"Decisions are constantly before us. To make them wisely, courage is needed.
The courage to say no, the courage to say yes. Decisions determine destiny."
Trust in Him

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

First Pick a song to listen too while you read this blogpost!

There are so many things I have to be thankful for this year!
1. My Family-immediate and extended family
2. My Friends-I honestly don't know where I would be without them
3. My Oakcrest friends- I'm so lucky I was able to work with these incredible people
4. My roommates-This year and Last year. They are amazing!
5. Reliability
6. My campers-Every week I was blessed to have angels like them!
7. Youtube videos like the one above that make me laugh
8. Music
9. Food-especially thanksgiving food. Yum.
10. My Best Friend and my Savior.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


I heard this song last night for the first time.
I'm in love with it.
Also...he looks like Ron from HP.
K bye. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

I Want It That Way

Last Night USU had a throwback 90's dance party! There weren't a ton of people but it was a lot of fun!

I love any opportunity to dress up or to dance so last night was a win win!
I wish I would have been older in the 90's so I could have appreciated it
a little bit more. But what I do remember was magical.
1. Boy Bands (N'Sync, Backstreet Boys mainly)
My very first concert was N'sync. Best thing ever!
2. I won't lie, I was obbsessed with Britney Spears (to bad she when psycho)
and Aaron Carter. I still remember a lot of their songs word for word!
3. Lizzie McGuire. Dug. Boy Meets World. Recess. Need I say more?
4. Easy Bake Oven. I loved mine!
5. Tamagotchi's, Giga Pets, and those Creepy Furby's.
Those were just a few of my favorite things! I miss the 90's, so it was nice to relive some of
the wonderful music and styles last night!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

For Future Reference

I added two new tabs to my blog this last week! Be sure to check them out!

-Life in Pictures
(My instagram profile can now be seen online, pictures can be liked and commented on as if you have instagram on your phone!)

-Songs on repeat
(Just all of the songs that have been in my head lately.)

Love all of you :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Day After

This orange space suit will forever go down in history.
I didn't do too much for Halloween.
Tuesday night was classic skating at the Fun Park,
everyone dressed up and we skated for hours, it was a blast!
Actual Halloween day, I trick or treated with Maddie J,
but we only made it to Cait's house.
Halloween is fun, but I'm ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
I hope everyone had a great Halloween day!