Monday, October 28, 2013

Life as of late....

Through pictures of course. 
Calam's Wedding with my favorite girls. 

Kings Island in 50 degree weather with these
cute kids. 
Plus, hanging out in Kentucky! Then getting 
stuck in the airport for 16 hours. 

Hike to the graffiti towers with my roommates
to play with sparklers. 

Imagine Dragons. Three rows from the stage! 
Seeing one of my campers at Imagine Dragons!? 
Even better! Love her.
Conference. Snapback Skype date. Pumpkin carving. 
Basically, anytime with this guy is the greatest! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Music Tuesday?

Guys, I just blogged two days in a row. What the? Anyways, it's another music post. But after I found that cover of Call me Maybe by Paradise Fears, I found two more that I am obsessed with! Take a listen, maybe? I promise it will be worth your time. Maybe tell me what you think?
If you love T-swift (Who doesn't?) You will like this cover. 
If I could sing, this is a song I would do a cover of! 
Impossible Dreams-Paradise Fears

Payphone-Paradise Fears
I love the rapping part. So good. 

Also, can we take a minute and recognize the fact that the lead singer looks like a cuter 
version of Mouth from OTH. No? Just me? Sweet. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Music Monday

I would say that music monday will be my new thing from now on. But let's be honest, it probably won't happen. But for today, here are some songs I have been loving lately. Also, don't mind my blog right now, it looks like a kindergartner designed it. It will get better once I'm finished with all of my homework. aka. never.

Don't worry, I'm way sick of this song still. But 
this is a great cover. 
Call Me Maybe-Paradise Fears 


Brave-Sara Bareillies

and of course. Meant To Be-Parachute

peace and blessings. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

mini concert

I swear this is my last Parachute post! Well, until they come back in concert.
But my wonderful friend Mia, made a video of her concert experience this last weekend,
and it was such a good idea that I decided to do the same. Here is a taste of the
best night of  my life.