Sunday, April 29, 2012

Color me Rad. If you know what I mean

This weekend I ran a 5k with my beautiful roommates!
It was the very first color me rad in Utah and it was so much Fun!
I will be doing it next year!
I'm going to miss you girls!!!

Check out this Imagine dragons song I'm currently obsessed with. here

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Tuesday and Wednesday I spent time with girls I'm going to be
working with this summer at Oakcrest!!! It was a lot of fun
and I can already tell this summer is going to be filled
with memories.
This week we cleaned the sink at Angies, and a few of us
had the chance to do baptisms at the Logan Temple together.
It was a lot of fun! Plus we have many "tender" pictures! (Thanks Giggles)  
I love you girls and can't wait for this summer!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

You've got to be kidding me....

I love Utah State....but registering for classes.
What a joke.
Fix the system.

The picture above is exactly how I feel right now. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Megan is the Queen of Photobomb.
Last night we camped out in our apartment and I tried to take pictures...
but 90% have megan in them. She is great!
So Meg Dawg this camping post is for you!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Doll Photography

These pictures were taken by my lovely friend Step Alberts!
She is amazing and super fun to be around!
If you ever need pictures taken check her out on Facebook.

Friday, April 6, 2012


We all have those days where we feel like no one cares, or we have those moments where we feel like we've literally screwed up EVERYTHING there is to screw up. These moments in our lives aren't because of something we did, it's because it's something we're going to do. The bad times and trials in life shape us to be the person that we are meant to be. We're never thrown into something we can't handle so the next time you lie in bed and you feel like giving up; take your hand, put it on your chest and feel your heart. Because that's hope!

I stole this quote from my cousin Tayler. I think it's just a good reminder when
those days come around. They do and we just have to remember to keep our heads
up because life goes on!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

OTH Memories through Pictures.

So I posted twice today, about the same thing. Sue me.

 Clay, Logan, and Quinn
 Lucas, Peyton, and Sawyer
 Nathan, Haley, Jamie, and Lydia
Brooke, Julian, Davis and Jude
 The Rivercourt crew


There is only ONE Tree Hill

Tonight is the night it all comes to an end.
I don't know what I am going to do with my wednesday nights anymore!!!
Some may make fun of this post, but it needs to be said.
I  am a die hard OTH fan.
My poor roommates have to put up with me. Thankfully Mia knows what I mean.

#Goodnight Tree Hill

I stole this from Bethany's blog because it says it all.
There are so many more memories. Cracker Jacks, Scrunchies, tattoos, Boy Toy, Weddings, Births, Keith’s death, Jimmy’s funeral, Keith’s funeral, First dates, foods without consonants, basketball, hot tubs, scavenger hunt, balloon fights, pillow fights, girl fights, rain storms, car accidents, Tric, roadtrips, Karen’s, Coach Durham … etc.

It was about standing up for who you are, not being afraid to change that person, loving without conditions, forgiveness, trust and friendship. Tree Hill you taught me well and you will hold a dear place in my heart forever.
Sombody told me
that this is the place
where everything's better
and everythings safe
~Karen's Cafe.

Check out the actress Haley's (Bethany Joy Lenz)  blog here

Monday, April 2, 2012

Because I'd Rather Blog

Really though. I'd rather do anything else besides homework.
Like blog instead of writing my paper.
It hampbinz.