Thursday, August 23, 2012

Food for thought

-School Starts in 4 days
-I'm finally back in Logan
-I love being able to go to the temple!
-I need to finish unpacking
-I question myself for taking early classes
-It's 11 and I'm still in bed. (So much for staying in the habit of early rising)
-I miss Oakcrest but I'm ready to move on
-I love my roommates! Mia you will be missed!
-I only wore a snapback for half an hour yesterday (fail)
-I still don't know how to act normal in public
-I got sprayed by a skunk monday (don't worry I don't stink)
-Garett gets home in 19 days
-In my cupboard right now I have cereal, bananas, applesauce and granola. neat.
-I need a job.

My thoughts lately...random I know.

k bye.

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