Friday, March 23, 2012

Just for you C-Crusty

1. post the rules
2. post a photo and 11 random facts about yourself
3. answer questions from tagger
4. ask questions for those you wish to tag
5. tag
  1. I'm addicted to fruit snacks
  2. I miss summer
  3. I love to wake board
  4. This year will be the most interesting summer of my life
  5. I wish I was two inches taller
  6. I have weird cravings for Salt & Vinegar Chips all the time
  7. I love One Tree Hill. But that's no secret
  8. Sleeping is the best thing in the world
  9. I love to quote people and movies. Only if it's funny
  10. I love late night chat's with my roommates
  11. I have some of the best friends ever
Questions from C-Crusty
  1. If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be? Shantel Vansantan. She is so beautiful!
  2. First Kiss? Awkward. But was just the classic door scene. I didn't know what to do after.
  3. In and Out or Five Guys? Five Guys. Easy
  4. If you could re-live any moment of your life, what would it be? Freshman year of college. Salamander.
  5. Favorite Smell? Rain. Or fresh cookies.
  6. Do you have your kid's names picked out, if so what are they? Not yet.
  7. Biggest pet peeve? My sheet's coming off my bed while I'm sleeping.
  8. If you had to choose a nickname for yourself what would it be? Kim possible! haha I would probably just stick to Burlz.
  9. Favorite YouTube video? Dig it pineview 29 edition
  10. What is your favorite day of the week? FRIDAY!!!
  11. Favorite thing to pull out of mud? Your mom.
So I'm way to lazy to tag people, because I don't really know who reads my blog. So sorry I broke a rule. It hampbinz


  1. but kim, Ellen is a lesbian??..................

    1. Yes. Minus that part haha. I was waiting for your comment megan :)
